When English Teachers Snap

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Oil Depletion Outline

Name: Spreeha                                                                              
Individual Research title: A Close Analysis to the Causes of Oil Depletion over the last two decades.
What question do I want to ask?
How much has oil depleted over the last two decades and why has it depleted and how has it affected the world?
Where will I find the information to answer my questions?
1. Articles (newspaper, online) about the reasons behind oil depletion
2. Basic statistics regarding how much oil has depleted over the years  - search engine.
3. Essays and academic sources regarding this issue. Big topic and is easy to find information about. 
How will I analyse the information? 
1. Find the bias.
2. Find the audience it is for.
3. Where the information is coming from.
4. Compare it to different types of information I find. 
How will I identify and evaluate possible scenarios?
1. Searching for techniques that have already been in use to stop depletion of oil.
2. What are the new ideas that are out there - weigh the pros and cons between the solutions
3. Getting different perspectives from other sources to support or refute the ideas.
Possible scenarios
Still in search for scenarios. I am identifying the problem right now. 

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Bibliography - Solar Power Presentation



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