When English Teachers Snap

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

College Essay # 32 - Amherst

32. Sartre said, "Hell is other people," while Streisand sang, "People who need people are the luckiest people in the world." With whom do you agree? (Amherst)

People who need people are definitely not the luckiest people in the world, in fact, they are helpless, insecure, and simply blinded by some sort of faith. Let me ask all of you a question. Throughout your life, how many people have actually stuck with you till the end? Predictable answer. Many of you will say, my parents, or my friends. But have they really stuck with you? I mean, don't tell me that there has never been an instant in your life when your parents were mad at you for something stupid you did, or a friend got mad at you because you didn't meet her for lunch? If you are still sitting here and nodded your head arrogantly at this blog, then hats off to you. But for all those that I know, no one has felt alone at one point or another.

People who need people are the luckiest people in the world. What a load of crap. Everyone knows, whether they admit it or not, that no one will stick with you till the end. It is your life, and no one else gives a shit. Your parents may care until a certain point, maybe until you're "old" enough to make your own decisions and then take advice from them, but soon they'll stop caring about YOUR life. Eventually they'll just want to have fun and enjoy the time they have left. I mean, middle life crisis, what were you thinking? Your friends will stop caring about you too. They need to care about themselves first. They need to look after themselves before looking after someone else. Haven't you heard the phrase "the survival of the fittest"? Where do you think that came from. Even evolution can show us that "hell is other people" because in the end the strong only survive.

There is a different between having friends and NEEDING them. I am sure that friends are there to make your day enjoyable, but not really there for you to need them. Needing someone, anyone, just hurts you in the end. You believe that they won't let you down ... and BAMMMMM ... they let you down. I don't want to sound pessimistic and emo-ish, which I probably already sound, but relying on people just makes you weaker. In the end everyone is going to leave you in some way or another. Someone may leave you while having lunch, your closest friends may betray you, and the rest of the world will probably stop caring about you. Stop worrying about who's going to watch you graduate, or who's going to watch you get married, or have your first baby, or become a doctor, or blah, blah, blah. And the list goes on.

There will always be people near you, but learn to be happy on your own, and try to be lucky for yourself. Learn to be independent, and learn to not NEED people. Because "hell is other people" (Sartre).

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