When English Teachers Snap

Friday, 18 November 2011

College Essay # 55

55. Discuss an important personal relationship you have had and explain how it has changed your life.

Yesterday, while writing my previous blog, one of my friends said that "In the end, nothing matters." I gave him a puzzled look and asked him what was wrong. He was the loud, slighly obnoxious, happy-go-lucky kind of guy that brightened my day everytime I saw him. Just to let you know, I am more or so the opposite of that. We make this great team and he is like my best friend. I tell him all my worries, all my queries, and everything else under the sun. Though I'm quite vague and "secretive" these days, he is the one person who I share everything with, and I care about him deeply. When I heard him say this, I was awe-stricken. He just wasn't that person I knew. We had a long discussion on the things that we need to work on as individuals and as people of society. I told him in the end the only thing that mattered was that we tried. Although it is easier said than done, we all need to understand the idea that we can't have everything we want in the world. I want to tell him that, but sometimes, he's just a bit too stubborn. Now, that I can relate with. The question then arose in my head. What do we really deserve?

Do we deserve happiness if we hurt others, do we deserve fame if we act egocentric already, do we deserve money when we return a hateful glance to the beggar the on the street with his amputated hand out? The idea of what we need and what we want, is a common knowledge among all. But what about how much we deserve?

All these questions bottled up inside, I am able to explore it with my friend. Being friends, we have our ups and downs and we do have disagreements. But when it comes to questions about "life" or whatever else you call such a thing, both of us are able to talk and just express how we feel. This is how I am still sane living in a prison. There are so many things that go in my head and without this friendship I would be lost most of the time. When someone gives his or her opinion, my mind races and races until I find the perfect answer. Even in simple things like an opinion for that matter, I just want to know how I feel about a certain something. Let it be the use of toilet paper, how selective colleges are, or whether prostitution should be legalized or not.

This friendship allows me to be myself in a society where people just want to eat you up alive and change you into those monsters that all look alike. This friendship allows me to believe that one person can make a difference and that one heart with you is like a million faces smiling towards you. This friendship gives me support and strength, allows me to believe that everything will eventually settle down, and allows me to believe that my worries and queries aren't stupid and some made up logic in some fairytale world.

This is the one friendship among many that I will never want to lose.

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