When English Teachers Snap

Monday, 23 January 2012

College Essay # 133

French novelist Anatole France wrote: "An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't." What don't you know? (Brown) .

1.     I don’t know what is going to be going on in my life in the next 10 years.
2.     I don’t know why my Ipod battery keeps dying so fast on me.
3.     I don’t know why something bad always happens when everything seems to be going in the right direction.
4.     I don’t know why people backstab behind my back and then come and apologize as though they didn’t think it would hurt me.
5.     I don’t know why bad things happen to good people.
6.     I don’t know why the sky is blue.
7.     I don’t know why people that our family knows seems to be dying left and right.
8.     I don’t know why grandfather seems so upset these days.
9.     I don’t know how my neighbors can spend such a long time decorating their pagoda.
10.   I don’t know why women can’t accept their aging gracefully and instead use “Gold Radiance” or “Total Repair 7” to cover up their age.
11.   I don’t know why people can’t accept themselves the way they are.
12.   I don’t know why Woodstock doesn’t just take everyone down to Delhi on Going Down Day by train.
13.   I don’t know why it’s unusually cold in Nepal this year (I do have a hunch though).
14.   I don’t know why I feel like there’s no privacy anywhere you go in the world.
15.   I don’t know how some people don’t feel cold while I’m freezing my butt off.
16.   I don’t know how it is so easy for people to say they will do something when the next person tells them not to do that exact same thing.
17.   I don’t know how people find reading and writing boring.
18.   I don’t know what makes gold so much more attractive than silver.
19.   I don’t know why people design clothes for fashion shows; it doesn’t seem like people wear those kinds of clothing on a daily basis and isn’t the point of making clothes to sell it?
20.   I don’t know why my sister needs SO MANY pairs of shoes when she already has like 20 pairs.
21.   I don’t know how people can eat so much and then puke it all out. It’s just disgusting.
22.   I don’t know why people get depressed. Life is too short and there are too many things in the world that can make people happy.
23.   I don’t know why in many countries, having a mental disorder is worse than committing a crime.
24.   I don’t know whether I’m going to end up with a zero for my first semester grade in English, because I was unable to keep up with my blogs for a week.
25.   I don’t know when my family and I are going to move into our new house.
26.   I don’t know whether I’m ever going to see snow in Nepal.
27.   I don’t know why clouds weren’t something we could just sit on and float around. I only wish.
28.   I don’t know what I’m going to eat for lunch today.
29.   I don’t know how I’m going to do in school this semester.
30.   I don’t know whether I want to go to school this semester. Home is so relaxing.

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