When English Teachers Snap

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

College Essay # 178

178. What do you hope to accomplish in the next ten years? Explain.

I am 16 right now, which means that in the next ten years, I am going to 26 (no really?). I am planning to go into the medical field, which is going to take me a gazillion years to finish. My plan right now is to go to medical school in India, which takes a lot less time to get your MBBS degree than it does in America. Hopefully I will finish my MBBS degree with an internship by the time I’m 24. I hope to be helping a lot of people by then. I hope that while in college, I become the best person I can be, academically and as a human being. I hope to be doing a lot of charity work while studying to become a doctor. I also hope that I become independent and take a job while studying so I can pay for my bills, part of my tuition cost and etc. Being in college, means being independent and learning to do things on your own. It will definitely not be like Woodstock.

Woodstock doesn’t teach you to be independent. We don’t book our flights home ourselves; the travel office and our parents do that for us. We don’t earn our pocket money; instead we are just given 1500 rupees each month for no reason. When we want to buy something, we want to be delivered to us by coolies who work a lot harder than us and earn a lot less money than us in a month. We don’t buy the essential things with the money we’re given; instead, we have a “parent’s account” where all the items of toiletries are deduced from the starting balance. We don’t clean our bathrooms ourselves; instead, we have workers, less privileged than us, cleaning our dirt. We don’t fix our own kettles when it is broken; instead, we wait for the “alumni to donate money” for us to buy a new kettle. We steal money when we feel like we don’t have enough, we steal IPods and phones when we feel the ones we have are too crappy. If you’re telling your self and you do all the chores and things yourself and you don’t steal anything then either you’re totally independent at the age of 11 to 18 or you’re in denial. I’m sure you’re the second not the first choice.

Hopefully, if everything works out right, I’ll be going to a very good university in the United States to complete my Master’s degree and become an MD. Hopefully, I will be specializing in neuroscience by then. But all of this is to accomplish mainly one thing. Independence. I want to become independent of everyone in the next ten years. I want to pay my parents back all the money that they have invested in my education when they could have lived an even more luxurious life. I want to be independent from the childhood that I lived to become an adult and learn to do things on my own and not have to rely on anyone else.

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