When English Teachers Snap

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

College Essay # 249

249. If you had to donate a large sum of money, how would you do it?

There are many ways to help the needy. You can get hands on experience by working in a place where people need help, you can donate clothes and things you don’t use anymore or you can donate money. Although there are many who help out and donate clothes and things they no longer need, it seems as though the easiest way to extend a hand to the needy is by giving money. Whether it be putting a five rupee coin in a beggar’s hand, or donating money to an organization who helps needy people, you are still showing that you care and value what you have and try to extend a hand so that someone can be one step closer to trying to feel that they have more than what they did a second before.

Dropping coins in a beggar’s hand is not anonymous. They know that you were the one who donated something towards their life. Though they may not remember you in a month or week or day, you still showed or face. I don’t think there really are other ways to donate money to a beggar on the road other than just handing them the money. But when it comes to donating large sums of money, I think the best way to do it, is anonymously.

When you’re helping another person, there is no need for anyone to be praised for such a deed. If you feel that you need to be praised for helping others, then you truly aren’t helping from the heart. If you want a certificate or a recommendation for your work at the orphanage, then you aren’t helping someone with true intentions. You are still putting yourself ahead of them. It’s the same thing with money. Whilst donating, you’re not donating so that you can be praised later on; you’re donating because you feel like it’s the right thing to do. You should feel satisfied yourself because you reached out and tried to help someone. You don’t need someone else to tell you that you did a good thing by helping people.

If something feels right, don’t change it into a wrong action by putting yourself before those you are trying to help.

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